Your Gut Instinct is Trash

The purpose of this post is to deliver some tough love to all people in business. Too often, I hear of professionals make marketing decisions because of their “gut instincts” or because it “feels right.” Well, I hate to break it to you, but that is a poor way to make a business decision. Also, for the record, you don’t sound like an all-knowing expert when you take this approach. You come across as flippant and out of touch.

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If I haven’t offended you yet and you’re still reading, congrats!

So if we are not to make decisions based on feelings and instincts, what is the best way to make them? That answer is simple - you must evaluate and analyze your data. For example, you could take your customer data and group similar customer types or demographics together. From there, you can identify trends and compare them to other groups. You can also run tests and see if the results are statistically significant, proving their effectiveness!

Try not to be intimidated by the mathematical terms! There are so many programs (even Excel!) that can do the math for you. It is worth taking the time to learn, and there are lots of resources for free online.

Too many fellow creatives claim that they “don’t do numbers.” But if you crack the (easy) code, you will put yourself in a position to provide meaningful and strategic recommendations with quantitive reasoning to back them up! Ultimately, this helps you spend your marketing budget more effectively and puts your business in a much better position to achieve success! 

Dana Podgurski

Hi everyone! I'm Dana Podgurski!

I'm a foot in the mouth, tongue in cheek, head in the clouds, and heart on the sleeve kind of gal. I live for new experiences, but am a total sucker for nostalgia at the same time. I'm tough as nails, but am a complete softie for all things kids and animal-related. I fly by the seat of my pants, and live for adventure. But I firmly believe that adventure is a mindset that one's self determines.

For work, I am a marketer through and through. Bringing brands to life, and content marketing are passions of mine. Many would consider what I do as nerdy, but I seriously dig it. I have been doing marketing contract work for years, and appreciate the variety it brings, and the relationships I've developed with my clients. If you're interested in a partnership, click here.

For fun, I love to create - writing/blogging, photography, and painting are my main three mediums of doing so. Feeling good and healthy is also high on my list, as it really lends itself to making everything more enjoyable. So I maintain a very active lifestyle, eat pretty healthy, and am outdoors as much as I can be. And if my blog didn't make it abundantly clear, I absolutely LOVE to travel (near and far) and go on adventures. I spend any extra money I have on tickets and feel so fortunate to have been to several amazing destinations both domestically and internationally. There's nothing more fulfilling than coming home from a trip and adding a been-there-pin to my map.



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