2022 New Years Resolutions

2021 was a big year for me. I got pregnant during grad school while I was working full time. I earned my masters in marketing and got straight As. I had my beautiful baby boy. I left my job after my maternity leave ended and secured a new opportunity which started this past week. 

I’d love to say my resolution this year is to slow down and not do anything drastic. But I know better. Slow just isn’t in my DNA. However, with the newfound clarity I gained while pregnant I hope to be relentless in sticking to my guns, focusing on my priorities, and continuing to strive for fulfillment.

But before I get to 2022’s resolutions, here are my 2021 resolutions. My comments and reflections are in bold.

  1. Graduate grad school and be ok if I can’t sustain my straight A’s. A’s are nice, but if the trade is living life and getting a B rather than an A… I prefer that option. The nature of the program wasn’t very conducive to having a life… and once I became pregnant, I wanted to use what little free time I’d get to relax and prepare for the baby. That said, I did just that — and got straight As!

  2. Look into and potentially invest in redeveloping my website. Once grad school is done, I’d like to get some quotes from a developer and designer to clean up and restructure my website. I want to also sort out how I can improve selling my art. Right now I do it through Red Bubble because it’s the easiest, but it’s not the best business model. This didn’t happen. Work, grad school, baby… yea, didn’t even come close to completing this one!

  3. Spend as much time with family and friends as I am able to (once it is safe to do so.) My parents moved to Rhode Island in June, so that made this goal a lot easier to do. We still took serious precautions because of my pregnancy and then of course for the sake of the baby . But it has been wonderful having them close by.

  4. More painting, photography, and writing… once grad school is done. Ehhh I underestimated the pain of the third trimester, ha! My trigger fingers were so severe I could hardly open and close my hands towards the end of my pregnancy. Once the baby was born, he became my focus and I’m very happy with that decision.

2022 Resolutions:

  1. Don’t stress out unless there’s a reason to stress out. I put a LOT of pressure on myself, and sometimes it’s unnecessary. This is something I want to be conscious about.

  2.  Step up to the plate and use my voice. This one is specifically directed towards my career. 

  3. Minimize the noise and focus on what matters most. Less stuff, more enrichment.

  4. Improve my photography abilities. With a baby, I would love to get better at shooting people. 

  5. Change the platform that I sell my art through. 

  6. Get good at carving time to focus on myself. This could be reading while my son sleeps, working out when I’m traveling, etc. 

  7. Design a new website.

Dana Podgurski

Hi everyone! I'm Dana Podgurski!

I'm a foot in the mouth, tongue in cheek, head in the clouds, and heart on the sleeve kind of gal. I live for new experiences, but am a total sucker for nostalgia at the same time. I'm tough as nails, but am a complete softie for all things kids and animal-related. I fly by the seat of my pants, and live for adventure. But I firmly believe that adventure is a mindset that one's self determines.

For work, I am a marketer through and through. Bringing brands to life, and content marketing are passions of mine. Many would consider what I do as nerdy, but I seriously dig it. I have been doing marketing contract work for years, and appreciate the variety it brings, and the relationships I've developed with my clients. If you're interested in a partnership, click here.

For fun, I love to create - writing/blogging, photography, and painting are my main three mediums of doing so. Feeling good and healthy is also high on my list, as it really lends itself to making everything more enjoyable. So I maintain a very active lifestyle, eat pretty healthy, and am outdoors as much as I can be. And if my blog didn't make it abundantly clear, I absolutely LOVE to travel (near and far) and go on adventures. I spend any extra money I have on tickets and feel so fortunate to have been to several amazing destinations both domestically and internationally. There's nothing more fulfilling than coming home from a trip and adding a been-there-pin to my map.




2023 New Years Resolutions


Operation Milf - Where I’m Starting